Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Day 208
To Dear Me 
I'm at physical therapy for my back and right leg pain which keeps getting worse. I'm praying for relief. I have a very busy day. I'm picking up my meds after this. Then working extended hours. Then dnd game. Then food shopping.  Then gas for the car. Finally after everything is done I'll go home. Whew what a day.
Take Care
Something to think about 
God cares and he knows what to do

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Day 207
To Dear Me 
I'm up at em early again. I'm building a habit but I just have so many things I'm doing in the morning time. Right now I'm good. I'm getting the collision damage fixed and  waiting for my rental. I am working later hours to make up my 25 at the library. I spoke with hollen for almost 40 minutes this morning. I was telling him to stop listening to the lies the enemy says to him and start talking to God. I'm going to pick him up and take him grocery shopping with my other roommate. 
Take Care
Something to think about 
God hears our cries and we know we are his.

Monday, May 29, 2023

Day 206
To Dear Me 
Happy Memorial day! I'm off to do my early morning errands. Then back home for a moment. Then seeing Josh. Then home again to grill and relax. I don't start Wegman till Friday. Getting my car fixed at the collision place and picking up my rental car. Then going to the therapist.  Then getting my meds. Then back home to relax till I see Josh. I'm glad to be off today but wish I could work more hours this week.  I need more money soon. 
Take Care 
Something to think about 
God cares for me and is a very present help in times of trouble.

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Day 205
To Dear Me
I'm at the Journey.  I came over to the 1030 gathering via the shuttle. I'm hoping to see my friends here today. I have prayed and got my mind right with God's word and devotional readings. Now ready for the day. I'm working at the library from 12-5. Then hopefully relaxing with my fiancée Sharon. God is good.
Take Care 
Something to think about
God is working in my dry places.

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Day 204
To Dear Me 
I'm up way too early. I wanted to give myself enough time to prepare for my orientation today at Wegmans. I'm a bit nervous but not really sure why. I just did my Bible and my devotional readings. Now I'm starting to pray for everybody and of course myself to do excellently today. I'm praying for blessings to come forth upon us and that the peace of God would settle our minds and hearts. 
Take Care,
Something to think about
God is a faithful father who cares about the things we go through. 

Friday, May 26, 2023

Day 203
To Dear Me,
I had a hard time sleeping last night.  I'm dealing with too much leg pain from the sciatica.  I will start doing stretching exercises soon. Then next week, I'll be starting physical therapy. I have to go food shopping this morning right after I finish this posting. I have to call Wegmans to make sure that I'm starting next week, so I can adjust my schedule if necessary.  I'm going to my friend's house tonight for dinner and a game night. I'll be meeting some new people also. Saturday is my orientation at Wegmans. I'm starting to wish I had more time to get ready for it. But change is good for growth. And the extra money is right on time.
Take Care 
Something to think about 
I appreciate everything that God makes happen. I'm learning to trust him better.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Day 202
To Dear Me
I flew out of bed again! I need to stop fighting in my sleep.  I guess its better than doing it in real life. Lol. I'm up at 4:20. New record..ha ha from workband just finished eating breakfast. I'm going food shopping and relaxing later. I finally finished my electronic paperwork for Wegmans. Now onto the Saturday orientation.  So excited about it. Tonight going to my jgroup with Hollen. It will be great being with them,  sharing the good and not so good going on in my life.
Take Care 
Something to think about 
God grants sweet sleep to his beloved. 

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Day 201
To Dear Me,
I'm anxious and excited for the plans of God that concern me. But staying in prayer and preparing for when it will be happening. In the meantime, I'm getting ready to work harder than ever to get these bills paid and credit  cards paid off.
I'm encouraged by his word this morning. I'm looking for my Barnabas, the person who will help start me ministering to others.
Take Care
Something to think about 
God has a season and a reason for everything under the sun.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Day 201
To Dear Me 
So many dr appointments coming up. I'm getting a colonoscopy,  having bloodwork done and going to physical therapy! As I age, I find myself in the hands of doctors and nurse practitioners more often. I need to lose weight and start exercising.
I go to my new part-time job at Wegmans this Saturday 1030 for orientation. Then I start working for them next week. I'm excited about it and looking forward to a weekly paycheck. Even though it means my rent will increase because I'm bringing home more money, I pray I'll be  leaving NAMI and moving somewhere else.
Take Care 
Something to think about
No matter how busy I get, I won't forgot to talk to God on a regular basis. 

Monday, May 22, 2023

Day 200
To Dear Me 
I'm up early today. I rolled off my bed again. Lol. Its a good thing I went to sleep early last night. Here are the thoughts I've been dealing with. 
I've been traveling on this road for a very long time with God. Despite my own feelings, I'm still going to move forward with what He wants me to do. I know that his plans for me will never be stopped by man nor the enemy. I trust him solely and completely. 
Take Care
Something to think about 
God knows all of the secret things and there's no hiding anything from him. He will handle everything as a good and faithful judge over his people.

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Day 199
To Dear Me 
I'm ready for the 1030 gathering. I'm tired. But spiritually ready for my time in God. God is good.
Take Care
Something to think about 
I'm feeling better because God is with me

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Day 198
To Dear Me
Second attempt at posting.
God is good even through the enemy is trying to stop me from telling the world about his goodness.  I got another part time job at Wegmans. I need to adjust and adapt to this challenge but God is able and I'm willing to start doing the right things.
I'm also planning and preparing to teach a new believers jgroup at the Journey. Tonight I'm going to see my family. They came down to see Dawn's graduation.  After going to the Journey by myself I'll be there. Maybe I'll share all my good news with them. I'm looking for prayer partners who will be consistent and pray for me and the teaching of Biblical Truths.
Take care
Something to think about
God works all things work together for the good!

Friday, May 19, 2023

Day 197
To Dear Me
Now, I'm extremely nervous because I need these 2 positions. I need to manage all of my bills. I've already paid $300 to my housing director with the promise to finish the amount with my next paycheck. I'm going to explain in a letter that I'm typing up before I start work today. I'm hoping she accepts the terms. It's because of the accident that I needed to have $150 on my debit card to pay for the rental car while mine is being fixed.  I have plenty of bills that need to be paid soon and I don't know how everybody is going to be satisfied with my financial amounts.
Take Care
Something to think about 
Gods word never returns void but accomplishes that which has been said. God is not a liar.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Day 196
To Dear Me 
It's amazing what a difference a day makes. Unlike yesterday,  I'm feeling frustrated and a little ticked off that so many things are so difficult for me. I just spent a lot of time at my sleep doctors office. Unfortunately I have to wait on the insurance company to approve for me to get much needed supplies for my sleep machine. It also  took me what felt like forever to find the place only to be late for my appointment. I'm tired of waiting to hear back from the library about the library assistant position. I also have tried without success to have other companies set up interview appointment for part-time jobs. It seems like I gotta raise holy hell in order to get someone to respond to my request. 
I'm also wanting to have a better and more adult relationship with my mother. We barely talk on the phone when I'm on the phone with her and that frustrates me. I also need to talk to Dawn about the car insurance to see whether she paid the deductible or not. Maybe she'll also invite me to her graduation this Saturday. My family is coming down to see her.
Take Care, 
Something to think about 
God has a time and place for everything I go through. I know I'm supposed to cast all my cares upon him and let him handle it.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Day 195
To Dear Me 
I'm feeling very settled and peaceful today. Thanks to the prayers of my friends, my church family and my own, I'm feeling like I'm finally stepping into the plans and purposes of God for my life. I woke early and had extra time to pray and seek God and his favor for me. I listened to a message from Pastor Steven Furtick this morning. I also prayed for the needs of my friends. So looking forward to Thursday night when we meet in my jgroup, so I can share how good God's been to me. I'm truly blessed and I'm living out the good life he has planned for me.
Take Care
Something to think about
God is demonstrating his care and love for me everyday!

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Day 194
To Dear Me, 
Well I just had my Wegmans interview. I was very impressed by the store cleanliness and efficiency. The persons who interviewed me were very knowledgeable and friendly. I'm hoping and praying that they contact me regarding working there part-time in their Meat Department. I'm at my job right now. I love where I'm working at the Rte 9 library. But I need more money to get my bills paid. I pray that I have a better working experience than when I was working at Wawa. 
Take Care
Something to think about 
God is moving in my life and he's for me!

Monday, May 15, 2023

Day 193
To Dear Me
I'm very nervous about today. I'm trying to get my car back with a discount on my bill. I'm also seeing my library manager about how to advance in my current position. I just found out the one of my favorite receptionist here at LifeStance Health, Angel, is going to be working from home and I won't be seeing her every Monday. Things are changing all over and I want to be ready.
Take Care
Something to think about 
God cares about all the details of my life, great and small.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Day 192
To Dear Me 
Hurray. Today is mother's day. So many of my friends are moms. There's also my mother and many of my cousins are moms also. And there is my spiritual mentor, whose been blessed with many children and grands and great grands also. My prayer is that many blessings for all of them!
I'm going to my mother and brothers  house and seeing all my family. Dawn my ex, Josh my son and I are driving together to see them in Jersey. My brother Eric is cooking and I'm bringing dessert. I'm watching the Journey online this weekend.  I miss my friends and family at the church. Next week I'll definitely be there I person. I'm hoping to get my car tomorrow after seeing my therapist.
Take Care 
Something to think about
Godly mothers are a blessing. So thankful for mine!

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Day 191
To Dear Me 
I have a busy weekend.  I'm working at the library today.  Then going to the Journey.  Then to a comedy event and dinner with Sharon. Tomorrow I'm going to Jersey with my son for mother's day. I'm bringing a cake for dessert. I'm feeling ok today, not good or bad. I'm trusting God to bless my efforts to try getting another part time or full-time job.
Take Care
Something to think about 
Gods hand of favor and blessing is on me.

Friday, May 12, 2023

Day 190
To Dear Me 
Yay! God allowed me to get the loan I needed for my car. Now doing more electronic paperwork and money transfers. Hopefully, I'll get my car back next week. Another busy weekend since I'm working. I'm going to the Journey then going with Sharon to a comedy event on Saturday night. On Sunday I'm going with Josh and I'm driving his car to New Jersey for Mother's Day. I'm hoping for good and safe travels on Sunday. I got a phone interview with Wegmans Supermarket at 1030. I'm hoping and praying for another part time job soon.
Take Care
Something to think about 
God can handle all of my ups and downs. He's stable so I should be too.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Day 189
To Dear Me
I'm reading this morning about Job and his trials to be proven righteous before God and men. Many have prayed and stood in the gap for me. I'm grateful to have such dear and close friends, family and my fiancée who has stood beside me from the beginning! Like Job I will just worship the Lord and do what I can while the Lord does his work in my life. I'm off today to try to get the money for my car. Hopefully I'll be able to get my car sooner than later.
Take Care
Something to think about 
God is with me in the midst of the storm. I will be safe from harm.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Day 188
To Dear Me 
God what's going on with my life? I feel like the devil is running roughshod over me. Nothing seems to be going right. I feel like Job. Though he slays me, yet I will rise again. Pastor Mark's message on the Bozo clown popup needs to be listened to again. I even took off tomorrow to see about getting some financial assistance and finding a better job. Thank God for the assistance of family, friends and my fiancée Sharon or I would know how to get through all of this mess.
Take Care 
Something to think about 
God bless the broken road that leads me back to you. 

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Day 187
To Dear Me 
Well. I got my estimate to fix my car. $1900. Add to that the collision damage of $1400 and your talking about $3100. I'm seriously considering trading it in for a new car. Meanwhile my fiancée Sharon is driving me to work and back. She's a godsend. Everything else is the same. I'm still waiting to find out about the library assistant position. My diet is the same. I'm still believing the promises of God over my life. I'm trying to hang on.
Take Care 
Something to think about 
God still.cares for me and has my good in mind.

Monday, May 8, 2023

Day 186
To Dear Me
A whole new set of problems today. Mr car is having various issues and it barely made it to the Honda Service center for repairs. I contacted my fiancée and she's going to drive me to my errands and my job. I had to cancel my therapist appointment.  Not sure what the future of my car is going to be. Maybe I'll be getting a new car sooner than expected. 
Take Care
Something to think about
God. I need you now!

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Day 185
To Dear Me
I'm extremely anxious. I got rejected from my first interview and I am feeling like I didn't do enough to get the library assistant position. I don't know how I'm going to make it through financially.  I have my family and friends praying for me. I just don't know what's next for me in my life.
Help me Jesus!
Take Care
Something to think about 
God is for me now against me. He has good plans for my life.

Saturday, May 6, 2023

Day 184
To Dear Me 
I'm in a better place today. I know that He's in control and he has great plans for me. I'll not allow the winds and the waves of the world ruin my walk towards Jesus. I'm playing games with Josh today at the Bear Library. Then eating lunch with my fiancée Sharon. Then going tonthe Journey with Hollen.  Then making dinner and watching wrestling with him. A pretty busy but fruitful day.
Take Care 
Something to think about 
God cares and restores our peace

Friday, May 5, 2023

Day 183
To Dear Me 
I'm gonna only talk about the goodness of God and stand on his promises. No matter how difficult it gets, God is still blessing me and he knows what I need and when I need it.
Trusting and believing for God's promises! I'm going to do the work of an evangelist and prophet of the Most High!
Take Care
Something to think about
God is worthy of the highest and best praisrs!

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Day 182
To Dear Me 
Today's the day for my library assistant position interview.  I'm feeling good and confident.  I'm just trying to make sure I don't forget anything. Today is also the day my roommate makes a big statement to our jgroup.  I'm hoping to say the right things about it.
Take Care 
Something to think about 
God has blessed this day. Why should I worry about it?

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Day 181
To Dear Me 
I have lots to be anxious over. I need more money and need that asap. I'm praying for the will of God to be hired full-time someplace and anywhere. I'm still believing Him for finances to come quickly since the need is desperate. 
Take Care
Something to think about
I've been following God's will regarding finances. I need the breakthrough to come speedily and soon.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Day 180
To Dear Me 
Today started out rocky but is better now. I am reassured that God has his best in mind for me, my family and my friends. Well anyway. I know that God is for me and no one can stand against me. I'm trying my darnest to not become discouraged. The enemy is relentless. But God's plans for me cannot be overcome. I had a great therapy session yesterday and have been having great communication with my fiancée. I'm taking a step back from serving and my leadership role at my church.  I'm doing this in order to self-care and spend more time with my roommate whose struggling in his life. I'm praying for answers and confirmation for doing ministry in the future. 
Take Care
Something to think about 
Gods plans are always good and good for me.

Monday, May 1, 2023

Day 179
To Dear Me
I'm tired and my back is sore for some reason. I am doing too much again. I'm feeling the pressure of trying to please everyone. I need to cut back some of my serving and doing so much. I'm really pressing to do well this interview coming up and also apply for more jobs. I'm holding on to God's promises for a permanent increase in my finances. I talked to my ex about my job interviews and taking a basic driving course and paying for car insurance. I need to make an appointment to get me car fixed and she's paying the insurance deductible. 
Take care
Something to think about
Use wisdom and common sense in all of my decisions. 

Day 271 I have decided to stop this blog. I haven't been able to share my heart and be vulnerable like I used to because it has caused m...