Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Day 140

To Dear Me,

Today is another day of grace and mercy being poured out for me by God. Thankful for his abundant promises for me and others. Thankful for His word and everything today. I’m thinking about God’s goodness today and being mindful of them.

Take Care


Something to think about

God who is rich in mercy wants to bless you. We must be willing and open to receiving it.

Monday, January 30, 2023

Day 139
To Dear Me,
Today I'm feeling good. I accomplished much this morning. I saw my therapist, picked up my meds, and filed my paperwork to continue my ebt benefits. Unfortunately I didn't have time to go home and start washing my clothes for the week. I'll have to do it tonight. I need to talk to my roommates about food shopping. Not looking forward to that as always, conflict bothers me, even though it's necessary. I'm doing well with the church and ministry. I'm doing well with Sharon. I feel like my life is going in the right direction. 
Take Care, 
Something to think about 
God cares and understands me, I'm putting all of my trust I Him.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Day 138
To Dear Me.
Rest and relaxation at last. I'm off today. I'm working Saturday instead. I'm going to see my son and spend some time with him this afternoon. Then I'm making dinner and going to my roommates and my jgroup tonight. I still haven't gotten to the church yet. I like sleeping in and not pushing myself so much. Spending lots of time with Sharon and her doggie sons. 
Take Care
Something to think about
Has God become too distant for me. I'm not spending as much time as I should with him.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Day 137

To Dear Me,

I have been skipping days to write posts. Maybe that will mean more stuff to write about. Yes, I’m dealing with more conflicts with my roommates. I must decide whether I’m going to continue serving at the Journey. I should have told them that and taken a break. But I’m still serving. Sharon and I are still doing very well. I must talk to my mother and my family about my relationship with Sharon. I’m starting to search for another job that is full-time. I’m no longer waiting for the library to contact me. They generally upset me as far as the way they make me work there. Playing games tonight after work. Then I’m off Thursday. I’m seeing josh in the afternoon to spend some time with him.

Take Care


Something to think about

I’m waiting for God to confirm his will for my life in all areas.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Day 136

To Dear Me,

Anxiety and frustration with my roommate. Dealing with my relationships and trying to find balance with people. Sometimes I just want to scream my head off and run away from everyone and everything. Butt I need to get it together and go to work.

Take Care


Something to think about

God cares about the very hairs on my head so I know he cares for me.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Day 135

To Dear Me,

I’m planning and preparing for a future together with Sharon. I’m hoping and praying that she decides to join me at the Middletown satellite of my church. I’m also planning to move out of here and join her at her house. I need to put in a transfer to Middletown library until I can get a full-time position either in the library or elsewhere. She’s now wearing the engagement ring I gave her. I talked to one of my best friends among my co-workers and she’s excited for me. It might be a change in the relationship for both of us. We shall see, and I’ll try to remain patient with Sharon. 

Take Care


Something to think about

Sometimes the plans of our lives just fall into place when we let go and just trust God. 

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Day 134 

To Dear Me, 

Lots to discuss today. I’m allowing my feelings and the decisions from the Journey to determine where I’m supposed to attend and serve. I have contacted my friends who are like family, and we have been discussing everything. In a way, I feel I should have addressed this first here before talking to everyone. After all, this is the place where I discuss my life. Anyway, I still love God and I’m trying to continue loving people. But it’s a real struggle. Help me, Jesus, for you have gone through what I’m dealing with.

Take Care


Something to think about

The apostle Paul says to put away my past and seek God. That’s what I want to do, but it's not easy.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Day 133

To Dear Me, 

Another day of struggling. I’m trying to find my place in God. I don’t know what I should be involved in and doing. I’m taking all my fears and doubts to the Lord and praying for clarity and direction in every area of my life. Maybe I should have gone to the church this morning. Maybe I need to be praying and fasting for help from God.

Take Care 


Something to think about 

God cares about every aspect of my life. I’m laying everything before His feet and worshipping Him

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Day 132

To Dear Me,

I’m back home and trying t get my morning routine straight. I’m awake and getting ready to pray and take a shower. I must live in balance with all that I’m doing in my life. I want a rich and satisfying life. I want the life that Jesus says I can have. 

Take Care


Something to think about

God sets the pace of my life. I must go along with him, planning and living it out

Monday, January 16, 2023

Day 131
To Dear Me
Sleepy on this day. I'm going back to bed in a minute. I'm spending time with Sharon. I only paid my phone bill because I spent too much money on food this weekend. I'm going to have to pay rent next paycheck. I have to get my oil changed also. So little time spent doing what I'm supposed to be doing. I think I'll try listening to God in a deeper way today. I'm going to listen to preaching and teaching His word. 
Take Care
Something to think about 
My times are in your hands Lord when I walk in your will.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Day 130

To Dear Me,

I woke up early after going to be late last night and went to prayer. Then I met my beautiful friend and went to breakfast with her. She has such a great heart and I promised to keep up with her. I’ve been fed abundantly with the word this morning and have prayed to the Lord concerning the directions I need to take to move forward. I’m trying my best to be obedient.

Take Care


Something to think about

God directs my steps and determines who will walk this path with me. He’s faithful. 

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Day 129

To Dear Me,

Mulling over decisions today and for the future. What should I do about my commitment to the Journey? What should I do to move forward in my relationships? What should I do about my job? Who should I talk to about Sharon? I have lots of questions and not a lot of answers. I’m asking God for help and clarity in my mind to do some tough things.

Take Care


Something to think about

God cares about everything that goes on in my life. So I’m leaving things in his hands. 

Friday, January 13, 2023

Day 128

To Dear Me

I missed posting yesterday. I got up early to go to my church’s prayer meeting, and when I came back, I did everything except I forgot to post. So happy that it’s payday Friday. Yesterday was good but today is better because I finally have money to do stuff. God’s been blessing my day both days, so I will keep going to morning prayer. I’m trying to manage my finances, but little things keep happening that rob me of those blessings. But I’m going to keep trying to do better.

Take Care


Something to think about

With everything that happens to me, I must draw more strength from God

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Day 127

To Dear Me,

I met with my sponsor, a very godly man, and the right person to help me impact my life toward God and his Godliness. I thank God for him and other Godly men that will stir my gift and use it towards helping others. I got caught up on the rest I needed, and hopefully, I can start going to be with my church in the mornings. Every guy I talk with discusses that I need a Godly helpmate to be with. I hope that she comes soon if she hasn’t come already. There are many people that I’m in a relationship with who could fit that bill. But I don’t know how to pursue them or start that. Help me Jesus, being single is so frustrating sometimes.

Take Care


Something to think about

God will provide for my every need and I must be satisfied with his provision.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Day 126

To Dear Me,

Whoops, I forgot to post my daily comments today. As it's now 8:56 at night, I'll just discuss my day. I was feeling seriously depressed earlier. I had no energy or stamina or drive to do anything. I fought off the feelings and did two things that needed to get done. I made something to eat this week for lunch and I washed the clothing I needed to wear for work. My day at work was ok. I came home and went out food shopping. Then I made a quick dinner. Now I'm writing this comment.

Take Care


Something to think about

All things are under God's control

Monday, January 9, 2023

Day 125

To Dear Me,

Back to reality, sort of. I’m working my regular hours this week. But next week I’m off on Monday and I must work more 8-hour days. I hope this is towards working full-time eventually at the library.  I went back to my therapist today. But I won’t be seeing him again until 2 weeks since next Monday is a holiday. I must stop watching late-night Sunday and Monday football. I wake up with little sleep and feel tired all day. The therapist session went well, and we talk about a lot of things. It helps me to think through decisions. My church started 21 days of prayer and fasting. I forgot that since I have something for lunch from yesterday’s leftovers.

Take Care,


Something to think about

I had more to talk about from this posting because it's coming after everything I did first.

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Day 124

To Dear Me,

I’m getting ready for church this morning. I must decide if I’m coming home or going to Sherri’s house afterward. I’m so glad that I’m seeing my therapist tomorrow. I have really needed our weekly sessions and being off for the holidays has caused me to think negatively again. I don’t know if it’s wisdom or not, making the decisions I have made recently. He’ll help me sort all my choices and thoughts.

Take Care


Something to think about

God gives wisdom and provides common sense, am I asking and using it? 

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Day 123

To Dear Me,

I’m struggling in so many areas. I must resist and keep pursuing all the things I have been doing, I’m finding myself not wanting to continue the right path I’ve been traveling on. What’s going on with me? Where is the Lord’s strengthening and grace for my days?

Take Care


Something to think about

God is always there to help me, where am I and why am I hiding from him?

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Day 122

To Dear Me,

Another day in paradise. I overdrew my account again which means I’m going to have less money coming back in my paycheck next week. I accidentally broke the power cord for my phone, so I must order another one next week. I’m no longer holding my church on a pedestal but seeing them as a flawed vessel filled with flawed individuals including me. I’m going to endure all things and sufferings that I’m going through as necessary but not permanently. I’m only looking at trusting those in my tribe and not telling everyone my life. It’s necessary for my life to stay private from gossipers and those who might not have my behalf on their hearts.  I’ll still love people and pray for them but keep those things before the Lord only.

Take Care


Something to think about

The wise increase in learning and a brother is born for adversity 

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Day 121

To Dear Me,

I’m dealing with guilt and shame regarding my recent decisions. I know I’m not being fully obedient to God in my life. But I’m tired of trying to be perfected in my walk with him. I’m surrendering what I can and looking for something else to help me get to where I need to be. I’m unsure what I can do to move forward, and I hope to be better somehow. I’m feeling conflicted in my faith walk. This Christian life is tough.

Take Care


Something to think about

Whenever we walk to move forward in our lives, it will never be a straight path but a crooked one with many twists and turns 

Monday, January 2, 2023

Day 120

To Dear Me

Today I am pausing and self-reflecting on my life and the past year and working on changing for the better in the new year. I’m looking back on last year’s mistakes and bad decisions and the good things that happened. I’m looking back at the blessings and curses I received from the Lord. I’m pausing and relaxing in my faith and life. I’m going to be real with my sponsor and my therapist when I see them both. I’m washing clothes, cleaning, and then relaxing this afternoon.

Take care


Something to think about

Reflecting on the manna and blessings that I received as well as the rebukes are good for Christian character 

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Day 119
To Dear Me,
Another new year full of God's blessings and hopes for better beginning for myself and others. I praying that this be a year of breakthroughs. I'm feeling a little tired but ok. Maybe I'll go back to bed. I ate my breakfast, read my scriptures and prayed. I'm taking it easy today and tomorrow.
Take Care
Something to think about 
God is the same, yesterday, today and forever.

Day 271 I have decided to stop this blog. I haven't been able to share my heart and be vulnerable like I used to because it has caused m...