Friday, June 30, 2023

Day 235
To Dear Me 
I'm blessed because God gave his best for me. I have confidence because he's alive within me. I have peace because I'll set my mind and keep it set on him. I'm praying blessings for my family and friends in Jesus's Name. I'm in the center of his will because I keep his words before me. I'm the righteousness of God because of what his sacrifice did for my life. God is a good God and is in control. 
Take Care 
Something to think about
Keeping my confession of faith and not speaking according to my feelings 

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Day 234
To Dear Me 
Finally a total day off. I took.a mental day off from the library today.  I'm planning to reduce my working hours there to 45 instead of 50. I'm praying  that I can make up the difference by cutting back my expenses. I'm planning to go food shopping, getting gas in my car and spending time with Sharon today.
Take Care
Something to think about 
God wants to be my only focus and not the pursuit of anything else.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Day 233
To Dear Me 
I dint know how I'm feeling today. I'm already receiving strength from the Lord for my day. I thank the Lord for Godly friends who pray for me daily. I'm going back to PT today. Then working both jobs tonight.  I'm still trying to figure out what I'm having for dinner tonight. 
Take Care 
Something to think about 
Prayer is the experience I need to conquer my fears and subdue my doubts.

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Day 232
To Dear Me
I'm tired as always but moving forward. I had a very challenging day yesterday morning and afternoon.  I'm hoping today is easier. I made dinner and thinking I might bring it for lunch also. I had a very challenging session with my therapist. And I talked to Sharon about it. She wants to go with me to Lifehouse Church but not to Seeds of Greatness. They just returned my call and I'm excited to go there. But not happy that I'd be there by myself.
Take Care
Something to think about 
God guide my steps into doing what is right and obeying the perfect will for my life.

Monday, June 26, 2023

Day 231
To Dear Me 
I'm feeling really sad today. All of the time I spent at the Journey feels like a waste.  I just don't see where anything I did mattered. My old friends are all gone long ago. The leadership chased everyone away including me. I'm trying to put a positive spin on my time there but I cannot. What's the point of everything when you do your best but it's not appreciated? 
Take Care
Something to think about 
Only God knows what the results of me being there are.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Day 230
To Dear Me
I forgot to post yesterday since I got up too early. I'm going to have a better day today. Yesterday was rough starting but today better. I want to be more focused on what the Lord is telling and showing me in his word. I'm going to the 9am gathering today. It's my last serving opportunity for the Journey.  Afterwards I'll be focusing on going to another church for Sharon and I. 
Take Care 
Something to think about 
God your plan is the only thing worth pursuing. 

Friday, June 23, 2023

Day 229
To Dear Me
I'm up and very tired. Something has to give. I'm going to try to just work and not do anything else. I drank two cups of coffee and a piece of chocolate fudge. I didn't go to PT this morning but went back to bed instead. I have a very strenuous weekend ahead and I'm trying my best to get through it. Lord help me move forward and do my best without burning out.
Take Care 
Something to think about 
God is doing a good thing in me

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Day 228
To Dear Me 
My car is finally ready. I hope I have enough to pick it up. My times are in God's hands. I must place my anxieties on Him. I will trust in the Lord my God to sustain me through everything I'm going through.
Take Care 
Something to think about
I'm casting all of my Care to Him. Not easy at all

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Day 227
To Dear Me 
I feel all my relationships are starting to change and be in turmoil. I'm getting a lot of feedback that people might not want me to text or IM them. This saddens me because I need their love and support and don't know where else to get it. I'm trying to deepen my relationship with God and trust that he'll sustain me during the troubling season of my life.
Take Care 
Something to think about 
Have all of my relationships left me or am I just saddened that I am by myself again?

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Day 226
To Dear Me 
I got roped into serving this weekend. I was supposed to be visiting another church. Oh well. I'm feeling very conflicted since I have to be leaving the Journey Church where I've been since Christmas 2008. But I cannot stay where leadership doesn't want me to be. I'm praying for strength in my new journey.
Take Care 
Something to think about 
God has already made the new way for me. I need to be obedient and follow it.

Monday, June 19, 2023

Day 225
To Dear Me 
I'm tired but happy to be off finally from both jobs. Happy Juneteenth. 
Im.going to my therapist then back home. Hopefully we will.go down to the shore today.
Take Care 
Something to think about 
Jesus guides our steps and I trust him.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Day 224
To Dear Me 
Happy and blessed Fathers day! I'm feeling stiff on my right leg but otherwise I'm good. I'm going to the 1030 gathering today. Then having a Father's day lunch with Josh at my favorite Italian restaurant.  Then going to work. I'm hoping for blessings today and everyday.
Take Care
Something to think about
God is the eternal father. He's the best dad I've ever had.

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Day 223
To Dear Me 
I'm so very sleepy. Getting up so early on Saturday is a drag. I'm hoping for a quick day. I'm picking up hollen and going to Journey tonight. But I'm going to tell him that he needs to get a ride on Saturdays. I might take off Saturday night from the Journey. It's just a tough day and I'm feeling that I don't need to go as much on Saturdays. 
Take Care
Something to think about
I put too much on myself sometimes and I need to be kind to myself.

Friday, June 16, 2023

Day 222
To Dear Me 
I'm going to live the way he wants me to live in this new season. It means that I embrace the better me and reject the old. I will still have those faithful relationships and family  members who want to do this journey with me.
I will learn from my mistakes and be better for the new season. God works everything for good.
Take Care 
Gods always blesses obedience 

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Day 221
To Dear Me 
I fell out of bed twice last night! I got to get this melatonin and quickly. I bought a gift for my friend that supports me financially for Father's day. I'm feeling good after connecting with my tribe yesterday evening. I'm off again. I got my big paycheck today from Wegmans. Tomorrow is my regular paycheck from the library.  I pay all big bills then. Thank God I finally have some money, even if it doesn't last that long. 
Take Care 
Something to think about 
God is concerned about my development towards godliness. 

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Day 220
To Dear Me 
So tired today. But I gotta get moving and grooving. I have therapy this morning.  Then work. Then I'm going over to make hollen and I dinner. Then celebrate his birthday with his friends.
Last night was quiet just like the library. 
Take Care
Something to think about
God knows what season I'm in and he has prepared for it with me.

Monday, June 12, 2023

Day 219
To Dear Me
I'm going through so much. But God is with me. I receive everything he's doing in my life. I'm going to learn my lessons that he's showing me and move forward. God's word and God's Holy Spirit are true and good for building strong character and belief.
Take Care
Something to think about 
God is working out all the details of my life.

Sunday, June 11, 2023

Day 218
To Dear Me
If it wasn't for my friends and family that I see today at 1030 gathering at the Journey, I wouldn't be going.  I woke up very sore and stiff. I'm not doing enough to take care of myself. 
I have the Journey then working another 8 hour day. I'm off tomorrow, thank God.
Take Care
Something to think about
God chooses to bless us so we can  be a blessing to others 

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Day 217
To Dear Me 
I'm up early and going to work today. It's one of two 8 hour days. I'm a little bit tired. Yesterday's fiasco with my day is over. I know today is going to be a better day. I'm praying that the word I read will start manifesting soon. I'm praying for my family and friends that God would use them wherever there are.
Take Care 
Something to think about 
God wants us to make disciples by our action and our words.

Friday, June 9, 2023

Day 216
To Dear Me 
It's Friday.  The start of my heavy work days. Friday I'm at both jobs. Then tomorrow morning 8 hours. Then working Sunday another 8 hour day. Then straight through both jobs until I get a day off from Wegmans. I have PT this morning then straight to work at the library. I need God's strength to get through it all. I'm grateful for his working in my life. 
Take Care
Something to think about 
Spending time with the people I love gives me love. God grants blessing on them.

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Day 215
I'm still feeling the anxiety that comes fron not knowing what's going on with my car and what to do about my bills. I'm trusting God will make a way and give me wisdom to figure out everything. I did get paid from Wegmans. But its money I'm going to hold onto for gas and the car rental.
Take Care 
God knows what I need and when. I will trust him.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Day 214
To Dear Me
I forgot about PT today. I got up too late to do my morning routine. I made breakfast and got dressed. Then out the door. I'm going to fast my lunch since I didn't have time to make it. I hope my day is better than my start. 
Take Care
God deserves the praise for all that he does for us.

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Day 213
To Dear Me,
Yesterday I didn't get a chance to talk to my roommate Hollen. So he called me this morning and we talked for a bit. I had a hard night sleep last night, plenty of tossing and turning. It's so much easier to work part time at night during the week than working 8 hour days on the weekends. The collision place called me and told me there was additional damage done in the accident that they weren't aware of and they need to contact the insurance company. I'm also trying to get the right medication for me which is a battle between the insurance and the Dr's office.  What a pain this all is.
Take Care
Something to think about 
God is working all of the details of my life because I choose to give it to him

Monday, June 5, 2023

Day 212
To Dear Me 
Oh man what a night. So tired and sore that I had to take Tylenol to help me sleep. I took two more to get me through today. I haven't worked this hard in a long time. Im just praying for more strength to do all that is required of me at both jobs. I'm seeing my therapist this morning then rushing to work at the library at 10. What a crazy schedule. 
Take Care
Spending time with God adds to your day.

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Day 211
To Dear Me
I forgot to post yesterday.  Darn it. I worked hard on my first day at Wegmans and I'm so tired today. I also was 1/2 late which wasn't good either. But the manager said I did well. I'm serving at Journey Central this morning. Then working 8 hours again. 
Take Care
In the busyness of everything, I'm trusting God to bring me through. 

Friday, June 2, 2023

Day 210
To Dear Me 
Here we go everybody. Today's the first day of my new job at Wegmans. It's also payday Friday. I have my car loan and my phone bill to pay. I'm  tired but I need to be excited for having a new thing in God.
Take Care 
Something to think about 
God is doing a new thing in my life. I'm grateful. 

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Day 209
To Dear Me excited. Josh and I are joining some Journeyers to see the latest Spiderman movie. I'm spending some money to do some stuff I wouldn't  normally be able to do. I'm at work on time. I have to get some spare meds and stuff from the house after work. Last night's dnd game was epic and a little sad. It was the last one in Wednesdays for awhile. Still trying to figure stuff out with the rental Toyota Rav4 vehicle I have. I'm working 10-3 today which will be my normal hours going forward at the library.  Tomorrow, I start with the back to back jobs. I'm working 430-9. Excited to be starting there also.
Take Care
Something to think about 
God wants us to enjoy the works of our hands.

Day 271 I have decided to stop this blog. I haven't been able to share my heart and be vulnerable like I used to because it has caused m...