Monday, February 13, 2023

Day 147

To Dear Me

The day after the big game is always exciting and tiring. The team I rooted for won and beat a hated rival. But the lack of sleep from watching the entire game and getting home late makes me feel tired. I just saw my therapist and we had another great session. I’m really opening on things that I’m going through. My relationships are all good for the most part. The ministries I’m involved in will be settled this Sunday when I meet two different people in leadership. I’m hopeful but I’m ready for whatever the Lord allows to happen. I’m posting for new positions all of the time and working hard at the library. And the most special thing is my son’s 20th birthday is today. I sang to him and wished him a very happy and blessed birthday.

Take Care


Something to think about

There is so much more to think about when we consider others and not ourselves

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